Sunday, December 28, 2014

Soft or Hard Landing?

In permaculture, “edge”— that is, the place where two landscapes meet— is a very interesting place.

For the little berries here, what happens to them next. . .

. . .depends into which landscape they've landed.

Smashed upon the pavement. . .

. . .or absorbed back into the earth to complete their cycle?

Sunday, December 21, 2014

PoetryPeek: Reminders

by J. Lanier

That great big puddle at the corner
obstacle to my crossing

Reminds me that
this stranded spring shower remnant 
also seeks its purpose:
to return to earth and nurture life
That sludgy liquid
pooled around the sewer grate

Reminds me that 
this stagnant trickle was once 
part of a million clear raindrops
falling urgently from the sky 
during a summer storm

Those piles of leaves
rustling along urban concrete
eddied by autumn winds

Remind me that
they too seek to complete their cycle 
beginning / ending in the sky and 
ending / beginning in earth's crumbly dark womb

That slushy, icy snow
slippery winter nuisance to older bones

Reminds me that 
      we all have a place and purpose

If we can only find
 how we fit

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Even amidst powerful ebb and flow. . .

. . .of water's tide,

our own traces intrude--

. . .overpowering its pristine beauty.

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Trees provide so many "gifts". . .


. . .beauty

      shade. . .

   . . .habitat

      food. . .

. . .oxygen

Give thanks and hug a tree sometime!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Organic Currency

It's that time of year again. . .

. . . who says money doesn't grow on trees?

. . .Pssst! It does!

So do help yourself!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

GuestPeek: Kady's Herb Garden

Even in a NYC apartment space can be found to grow food. . .

Pictured here--  basil, rosemary, mint, chives, thyme, tarragon, parsley, and chili peppers. . . 

. . .but with the change of  seasons there are plans to swap out the herbs for some winter veggies. . .potatoes, carrots and beets. . .

Mmmmm. . .yummy! 

Kady, thanks for sharing 
your gardening pix and plans with Permie Peeks!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Outdoor Accommodations

In an urban setting like NYC, the built environment often encroaches on or can completely overtake the natural environment.

Recently the Bryant Park Grill erected a tent, enclosing one of their outdoor dining areas.

There were trees in the outdoor area, that were taller than the tent. . .

. . .however, I was delighted to see that the tent was customized to accommodate them!

Bon appetit!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

PoetryPeek: Haiku

by Stephen W. Leslie
(originally published in the International "Kusamakura" haiku competition, 2011)

Her far away look
Tire swing on a nearby tree
The missing children

Come & Play, J. Lanier (2012)
Thanks Stephen!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Gone Fishin'

This weekend, I participated  in one of the Lower East Side Ecology Center's (LESEC) "catch & release" fishing clinics. The LESEC is a local non-profit, providing programming to teach the public about environmental issues facing New York City.

The clinic was held at Pier 42, a recently opened green space along the East River. They sponsor programs and activities to help the public reconnect with the waterfront and show that it can be a valuable amenity and educational resource.

I was able to successfully bait my hook without goring myself
and practiced casting my line, which is not as easy as you think!

A fish was caught. . . (to eventually be released). . . but unfortunately not by me!

My "catch" of the day consisted of a bit of discarded cable that ended up in the river (seen dangling from my fishing rod, in the picture immediately above).

However, various marine life had taken up residence on it and made it their home. . .
. . .sort of like an artificial cable reef!

That's good enough for me!