Save the Date!
Last year I attended an innovative street fair sponsored by
GreenHomeNYC (a great local non-profit, BTW), called the
New New York DIY Block Party.
Instead of the typical cookie-cutter event with the usual suspects for vendors, selling pretty much the same ubiquitous, bland merchandise (e.g. tube socks, sunglasses and gyros), the
New New York focuses on teaching the public how to
"green their built environment -- while having fun . . .[and is committed] to hands-on presentations by vendors, programming woven into the surrounding neighborhood, and a sustainable approach to event production."
I mean at what other street fair would you expect to see a bus with a green roof!?!
Well, in less than a month, the
2nd Annual New New York DIY Green Block Party will take place:
When: Saturday, October 1, 2011
Time: 11am to 5pm
Where: Williamsburg, Brooklyn -
N 11th Street at Wythe, in front of Brooklyn
Brewery & around the corner from Brooklyn Bowl,
4 blocks from the L
train Bedford Street stop
Admission: Free!
Some of the fun activities that await:
* learning how to install and plant a green roof
* taking an outdoor yoga class with Hosh and Go Yoga instructors
* learning how to capture and reuse rain water to water plants
* vendors showcasing exciting new environmental products and technologies, like:
* Brooklyn-based
Vokashi compost system and kits
* Eco-friendly kitchens presented by NYC's own
Pure Kitchen
* Bring the kids! They'll learn how to
* build a solar car
* make jewelry out of bike parts by
But most importantly the New New York will also practice what they preach by
* trying to minimize water and paper usage as well as other waste
* including
locally based small businesses & non-profits
* utilizing bio-fueled generators
* composting food waste
* being bicycle friendly
* providing drop-off points
* for electronic waste (collection courtesy of the
Lower East Side Ecology Center)
* bicycles (collection courtesy of
and much more!
You can learn more about their
Green Street Festival Guidelines here or contact them
newnewyork at greenhomenyc dot org for more info.
Trust me, this is one street fair that
gives back as good as it gets to the public, the surrounding community and to the environment.
Don't miss it!